The Verma Lab

User-friendly diagnostics
We are developing biosensors that are low-cost and user-friendly. These biosensors incorporate most of the complexity within the device (e.g. stored reagents) such that the user requires minimal training. We are using them for improving animal health, food safety, and human health.
The complex communities of microorganims (i.e. microbiome)—bacteria, viruses, fungi, protozoa—that reside in and on us determine our health. Our lab is engineering these microbiomes to improve health and prevent diseases such as obesity, diabetes, cancer, and inflammatory bowel diseases.
Soft robots
The field of soft robotics has grown tremendously in the last decade. We are applying the soft actuators and robots developed so far to applications in in developing in vitro models for human health.
Postdoctoral Fellow
Candidates with research experience in the following fields should apply: microbiology, cell culture, food science, microbiome, nanotechnology, life sciences, biotechnology, materials science, biological engineering, biomedical engineering. Must have obtained a PhD in a relevant field. Please make sure to indicate why you want to join the lab in the cover letter/e-mail.
Graduate Student
Graduate students interested in the field of microbiome or biosensors should apply. We accept students from Agricultural and Biological Engineering, Biomedical Engineering, and the PULSe program. Please apply to any of these programs to be considered for Verma Lab.
Undergraduate Students
Undergraduates interested in gaining research experience and pursuing graduate school in the future should get in touch with us for potential opportunities. Please ensure to include your CV and transcript in your e-mail. Also, include why you would be a good fit for the lab.
Contact Us
ABE 3016
Agricultural and Biological Engineering
225 S. University St.
Purdue University
West Lafayette, 47907